Living Arrangement for 2024–25:
Living in a Campus Residence Hall
Living in an On-Campus Apartment
Tuition and Fees
Living Expenses
Student Health Insurance Plan
Total Direct Undergraduate Costs
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Fees/tuition are typically due the Friday before the start of instruction. Spring Semester 2024: January 12, 2024; Fall Semester 2024: August ...
University of California, Berkeley's tuition is $15,891 for in-state and $48,465 for out-of-state students. Compared with the national average cost of in-state ...
UC Berkeley calculates the estimated undergraduate costs using the student budget. This represents the average amounts paid by UC students, based on three types ...
UC Berkeley tuition for the 2023-24 school year for in-state students is estimated at $15,444 and $48,018 for out-of-state students.
In addition to tuition, UC Berkeley students pay several types of fees, including a campus fee, tuition fees, student services fee, and others.
University of California: Berkeley costs $17652 after scholarships and grants, with 44% of students receiving financial aid and an average aid package of ...