
Learn to pronounce re·pub·li·can

(of a form of government, constitution, etc.) belonging to, or characteristic of a republic.

  1. a person advocating or supporting republican government.
    "those who favored the continuance of the republic made every effort to defeat the monarchists and to have republicans elected in their places"
  2. a member or supporter of the Republican Party.

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Republican Party

Republican Party

Political party
The Republican Party, also known as the GOP, is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. It emerged as the main political rival of the Democratic Party in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia
Founded: March 20, 1854, Ripon, WI
The Republican Party, also known as the GOP (Grand Old Party), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States.
noun. re·​pub·​li·​can ri-ˈpə-bli-kən. Synonyms of republican. 1. : one that favors or supports a republican form of government.
Republican Party, one of the two major political parties, alongside the Democratic Party, in the United States. Also known as the Grand Old Party, or GOP, ...
It is one of the two major parties in the United States, the other being the Democratic Party. Republicans generally advocate for smaller government, lower ...
Republican means relating to a republic. In republican systems of government, power is held by the people or the representatives that they elect.
a person who supports the idea of countries having a president, rather than a king or queen: She is a convinced republican.
Republican philosophy leans more towards individual freedoms, rights and responsibilities. In contrast, Democrats attach greater importance to equality and ...
What is a Republican Government? · The power of government is held by the people. · The people give power to leaders they elect to represent them and serve ...
Republicans are often thought of as conservative, in the sense that they tend to advocate for smaller government. That is a very simplified explanation; what ...
noun · a person who favors a republican form of government. · (initial capital letter) a member of the Republican Party.