All information about Leiria (Liga Sabseg) ➤ current squad with market values ➤ transfers ➤ rumours ➤ player stats ➤ fixtures ➤ news.
All information about Leiria (Liga Sabseg) ➤ current squad with market values ➤ transfers ➤ rumours ➤ player stats ➤ fixtures ➤ news.
Transfers: Overview of all signed and sold players of club Leiria for the current season.
Squad size: 29; Average age: 27.5; Foreigners: 15 51.7 %. National team players: 3; Stadium: Estádio Municipal de Leiria - Dr. Magalhães Pessoa 23.888 Seats ...
All information about Leiria (Liga Sabseg) ➤ current squad with market values ➤ transfers ➤ rumours ➤ player stats ➤ fixtures ➤ news.
This page displays a detailed overview of the club's current squad. It shows all personal information about the players, including age, nationality, ...
All information about Leiria (Liga Sabseg) ➤ current squad with market values ➤ transfers ➤ rumours ➤ player stats ➤ fixtures ➤ news.
This is the expected squad for the coming season. The list takes into account all players currently confirmed as new arrivals or returners.
União Leiria U19. União Leiria U19. €350k. Total market value. Squad size: 6; Average age: 18.5; Foreigners: 3 50.0 %. National team players: 0 ...
This page contains an complete overview of all already played and fixtured season games and the season tally of the club Leiria in the season Overall ...