Player stats of Scott McTominay (Manchester United) ➤ Goals ➤ Assists ➤ Matches played ➤ All performance data.
View the player profile of Manchester United Midfielder Scott McTominay, including statistics and photos, on the official website of the Premier League.
He has gone on to make more than 200 appearances for the club, winning the FA Cup and the EFL Cup. Born in England, McTominay qualifies to play for Scotland ...
Scott McTominay, fixtures, match history, game log, performances with ratings. ... Scott McTominay. Name: Scott McTominay. Current Team: Manchester United. Shirt ...
Scott McTominay has 2 goals and an assist in 10 appearances in his last 10 matches in the Premier League in his career.
Scott McTominay's official Manchester United player profile includes match stats, photos, videos, social media, debut, latest news and updates.
Scott McTominay. (Born 08 Dec, 1996) Forward for Manchester United. Current season & career stats available, including appearances, goals & transfer fees.
Check out the latest domestic and international stats, match logs, goals, height, weight and more for Scott McTominay playing for Manchester United FC, ...
Scott McTominay has received 2 yellow cards and 0 red cards in 32 matches so far in the Premier League 2023/2024 season. He commits 1.37 fouls per 90 minutes.