The student population is made up of 53% female students and 47% male students. The school enrolls 35% economically disadvantaged students. There are 248 equivalent full-time teachers and 10 full-time school counselors.
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Racial/Ethnic Diversity. This graph shows the racial/ethnic diversity of students at this school by percentage or enrollment. Learn More.
This graph displays the total number of students enrolled in this school by demographics for the current reporting year. The exact numbers can be listed below ...
The total minority enrollment is 62%. Lane Technical High School is 1 of 148 high schools in the Chicago Public Schools.
Students Overview · White. 38.6% · Hispanic. 34.8% · Asian. 10.8% · Multiracial. 7.8% · African American. 6.7% · Pacific Islander. 0.7% · Native American. 0.5%.
Lane Tech is the largest high school in the city with more than 4,200 students representing all races, creeds and national origins. The faculty is made up of ...
Rating (25)
Student Demographics ; White. 39% ; Hispanic. 37% ; Asian or Pacific Islander. 10% ; Black. 7% ; Two or more races. 6%.
Lane Tech College Prep, recognized as a Blue Ribbon school in 2012, provides a challenging and meaningful curriculum in a high tech learning environment that ...
Lane is one of the oldest schools in the city and has an enrollment of over four thousand students, making it the largest high school in Chicago. Lane is a ...
Racial makeup is: White (38.2%), Hispanic (34.8%), Asian (10.7%). (See more...) Help. Compare Details 35.9% of students are receiving a free or ...