Pygmys and Nigerian Dwarf Goats These small breeds of goats withstand extreme weather fairly well. Both breeds are efficient foragers and easy keepers. Nigerian Dwarf goats are a good breed for milk production, and hardiness.
Dec 27, 2021
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Mar 29, 2015 · Galla goats are tough, but loving. They tolerate heat and drought and have great teeth (which means they rarely need to be culled due to worn- ...
Dec 31, 2022 · If you're set on getting a breed that evolved in a warmer climate, from would suggest Boers, Nubians or a cross of the two breeds. Nigerian ...
Apr 29, 2011 · So my guess is that the long-eared goats are adapted to hot climates. Nubians, Alpines, Saanens, and La Manchas all are breeds that are good ...
Saanen. These are fairly large breeds that are mild tempered but need a lot of space to relax and play around. · Nigerian Dwarf. These ones are often called ...
Jan 3, 2022 · There are many breeds, but only a handful are commonly considered the best goats for milk — such as Alpine, Saanen, Oberhasli, and Toggenburg ...
May 1, 2023 · The Saanen goat breed is well-suited for milk production in the state of Texas. They are known for their hardiness and can adapt to a wide ...
Dairy Goat Breeds- Which one is right for your farm? In this guide, I'll let you know what you can expect from each breed to make sure you get the best one.
Spanish goats are still popular meat goats in the American South. They do extremely well in hot climates and they're very calm. 17. British Alpine.