All information about AS Roma (Serie A) ➤ current squad with market values ➤ transfers ➤ rumours ➤ player stats ➤ fixtures ➤ news.
Transfers: Overview of all signed and sold players of club AS Roma for the current season.
This page displays a detailed overview of the club's current squad. It shows all personal information about the players, including age, nationality, ...
All information about AS Roma (Serie A) ➤ current squad with market values ➤ transfers ➤ rumours ➤ player stats ➤ fixtures ➤ news.
Squad AS Roma. The squad overview lists all player stats for a selected season. The results can be sorted by competition, which means that only the stats ...
The market value analysis in each club's profile shows all players, the according discussions about their market value, and the number of posts per player. # ...
AS Roma. €327.65m. Total market value. Squad size: 26; Average age: 27.1; Foreigners: 18 69.2 %. National team players: 16; Stadium: Olimpico di Roma 73.261 ...
AS Roma. €327.65m. Total market value. Squad size: 26; Average age: 27.1; Foreigners: 18 69.2 %. National team players: 16; Stadium: Olimpico di Roma 73.261 ...
This statistics show all staff members, who have ever worked for the club AS Roma, sorted by their functions.
All information about AS Roma (Serie A) ➤ current squad with market values ➤ transfers ➤ rumours ➤ player stats ➤ fixtures ➤ news.